unsplash-logo Helloquence Do you have a will? You know, the paper that they pull out when you die to see who gets your stuff. The process of preparing a will is not fun. The lawyer asks you, “If you die who will you give your stuff to?” You say, “Give it to my spouse.” The lawyer quickly responds, “and if your spouse dies who will you give your stuff to?” This goes on and on until it seems like everyone is dead and you realize the lawyer is just trying to get you to add him into the will! “What if Aunt Bertha dies? And your cranky neighbor? And the postman, then will you finally give me your stuff? When you write a will you figure out how you are going to leave behind your stuff, but you are more than the sum of your stuff, right? So let’s write a different kind of will. What values are you going to leave your teenager? What will you teach them about what is right and wrong in this world? What will your teenager know about faith? bcsm wants ...