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The Power of Symbols Part 1

I want to talk to you today about symbols.  A symbol is an object that has meaning attached to it, but it is also a great tool in the parent’s tool belt.

Here are some examples of important symbols you may have in your life that carry important meaning:

  • a wedding ring
  • refrigerator art from when your teenager was a child
  • a family heirloom that was passed down to you
  • a moment in time that was captured in a photograph
  • an item from your childhood home that takes you back in time when you look at it

Symbols are powerful.  Today I would like to suggest that you harness the power of symbols to help pass down faith to your teenager.

I will never forget when I visited Washington D.C. when I was in college.  We walked from monument to monument trying to understand something about the importance of America’s history.

Washington D.C. is filled with symbols.  Each monument, each museum, and each statue tells the story of our nation. The power of symbols is evident today. Look how many are being torn down.

Symbols have power.  Symbols can have power in your home.  If you read the Scripture, especially in the Old Testament, you will see that God used symbols and memorials to remind His people who they were and who He is.

If Symbols are a powerful tool for our nation’s identity and if symbols are tools in the hands of our God to communicate to His people, don’t you think using symbols in your home might make a difference?

If I took a tour of your home today and your teenager was the tour guide, would they show me any objects in your home that have special meaning to them?  Would there be any symbols that remind your teenager of your family’s faith?

It’s time to harness the power of a symbol.  Get creative and think through a way you can fill your home with meaning through powerful symbols.  If you are looking for ideas you can check out the Rites of Passage Experience that bcsm has made available to you on this website.  There are some really great ideas in that material for symbols to share with your teenager.


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